Reading: What If Declining Downloads Are Actually Masking Other Types of Podcast Growth?

This post is from Elissa Craig, Head of Marketing at Headliner

When it comes to measuring growth, it turns out, downloads are only half the story. Soon, they might be even less.

While those in the industry often define podcasts by their RSS feed, listeners could care less.

In fact, it’s safe to assume 99% of podcast listeners have no idea what an RSS feed even is.

To them, a podcast could be any content—audio or otherwise—featuring someone telling a story, conducting an interview… or where mics and headphones are visibly present on screen (even if they’re not plugged in.

The podcast format is more popular than ever, but now we have video and more. Downloads are one of the metrics to pay attention, but shouldn’t be the only one.

November 18, 2024